U.N. High Commission Intervenes To Save Seven Sisters Market

U.N. High Commission Intervenes To Save Seven Sisters Market

October 27, 2017

Up until now, gentrification seemed like an unmovable force, a tidal wave of pop up cocktail bars, Prets and inexcusably expensive flats.

Seven Sisters market and the Latino community that lives and works there have had enough. When the market was threatened with being bulldozed to presumably make way for everything we listed above, the local community put their foot down and called in the big guns: the United Nations High Commission.

So far it appears they will be successful, although some of the regeneration work has already begun in the area. That said, pay attention to the community's barrister Monica Feria-Tinta and what she says about the implications of the case for the future. Essentially, if successful, this could set a very positive precedence when it comes to fighting gentrification.

If only the U.N. had intervened sooner, perhaps more beloved areas might have been saved.

Watch the full Channel 4 News report here.

Words: James Keith
