EXCLUSIVE: Kaisha Reminds Us To Check In On Our Loved Ones On “Predicament”

Last summer, we brought you word of burgeoning singer-songwriter Kaisha and her soulful creations that she’d just started putting out. Since making her debut with “Shoulda Known” at the top of 2020, she quickly followed it up with a steady stream of singles, leading up to today’s “Predicament”.

Given that the pandemic has loomed so large in all our lives this past year or so, it’s not too surprising that the song reminds us to check in on our loved ones. It’s far from gloomy though, instead offering the listener a welcome pick-me-up in the funk-tinged grooves from producer James Berkeley of Brighton band Yakul.

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this pandemic,” Kaisha says, “it’s that no one is better alone. Let ‘Predicament’ remind you to check in with your friends or partner. Just because everything’s shiny on the surface doesn’t mean there’re no cracks inside.”

Words: James Keith
Photography: Emilie Risi

Posted on March 31, 2021