These Stickers On The Northern Line Are A Reminder Of Why Some Of Britain's Youth Feel Hopeless

These Stickers On The Northern Line Are A Reminder Of Why Some Of Britain's Youth Feel Hopeless

August 23, 2018

If you're 15 or 16 years old, chances are today is either a day of hope or hopelessness. Your parents are probably piling on the pressure, everyone's comparing grades. It's stressful.

However, for many, the feeling of hopelessness is more profound than whether you're heading to sixth form or starting full-time work. As these posters found on the Northern Line illustrate, school is just the beginning of a journey into the system that can be impossible to turn back from.

The posters show the path from getting into trouble at school, through exclusion, young offenders institutions and finally prison. It also shows a path with stops like 'empathy' and 'support' that is labelled as 'line closed indefinitely'. Along the route, various statistics point out the number of kids struggling in education, being excluded and the proportion of those kids who are POC.

So while many are celebrating, it's a worthwhile reminder that the education and prison systems in the UK are in desperate need of reform.

Words: James Keith
Photography: Saina
